See how these famous people in history would look if they were alive today

Becca Saladin, a graphic designer, from Dallas, Texas, began using professional digital manipulation to reimagine how the most iconic faces in history would look if they were alive in the world today.

Elizabeth IElizabeth I by Becca Saladin
Elizabeth I by Becca Saladin

Anne BoleynAnne Boleyn by Becca Saladin
Anne Boleyn by Becca Saladin

Becca began making these portraits because she was curious to find out how Anne Boleyn would look if she were alive today. As Becca completed Anne Boleyns portrait, she was moved by how differently she related to her image now that she had a 21st-century appearance.

Mark Antony bustMark Antony by Becca Saladin
Mark Antony
Richard III by Becca Saladin
Richard III

Before the invention of photography, the only way a to record a person likeness was through portraiture. Since antiquity and throughout history, the wealthy noble classes commissioned new portraits to help exert their authority, win the hearts and minds of the people and promote the qualities of the sitter.

Nefertiti by Becca SaladinNefertiti
Mona Lisa by Becca SaladinThe Mona Lisa
The Mona Lisa

Becca’s portraits can expose the way our preconceived ideas and subconscious bias can alter the way we experience and understand others.

Becca’s Instagram account, ‘Royalty Now’, currently has, 244,000 followers you can buy Becca’s framed prints via her ‘Royalty Now’ Esty shop. 

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